Hey there!

Welcome in this little internet corner that I maintain. :)

I am Stan Triepels, I live in The Netherlands and am self-employed (freelance webdevelopment and some products of my own). I mainly focus on applications that are build with Django and VueJS, but do sometimes step away from that.

I am interested in topics like privacy, animal rights, ethics, cyber security, and web development (duh).

These are the tools I frequently use:

  • Django
  • Pytest
  • VueJS
  • Webpack (Vite is on my radar)
  • Jest
  • Git
  • Postgres
  • Neovim
  • Linux (Ubuntu)

Projects that I have worked on/am working on:


Free and open source employee onboarding software. Easy to self-host. Uses Django and VueJS. 100k+ pulls from Docker, unknown amount of users



This is my Django/VueJS related blog. It also features a comprehensive course to get started with both of them. 8k+ monthly visitors


Flovidy (abandoned)

An Amazon affiliate localizer plugin. 300+ users


If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message.

~ Stan