If there is one thing that has been steadily increasing, then it’s definitely the amount of trackers on websites. I don’t want that, so obviously there isn’t any on this site.

Privacy on this site

I want you to know that you are not being tracked on this site. Obviously, I don’t control the internet, so I can’t exactly see what happens before you hit this server, but I did my best to make it as private as possible. Here are the things that I did/did not do:

  • There is no analytics. None. Not even a privacy friendly one. I don’t see the point of having one. I like writing, I don’t really care about how many people read it.
  • This site is hosted on a VPS from Greenhost.net. They own their servers (no rented servers), are green and are privacy/free speech advocates.
  • All files are fetched directly from the server, this site doesn’t use a CDN from any major corporation. Not even Cloudflare.
  • Caddy is set up without logging. There are no access or error logs.
  • This site has been build with Hugo. All pages are static.
  • All pages are only accessible through HTTPS.
  • There are no ads on this website.